This intriguing and unusual name is of early medieval English origin, and derives from the Middle English and Old French given name "Salmon" or "Saumon", a contracted form of Salomon. The ultimate origin of the personal name is from the Hebrew male given name "Shelomo", a derivative of "shalom", peace.
Haloke is derived from Native American origins. The name is of the meaning resembling a salmon. The names Haloka, Halokea, and Halokia are forms of Haloke. See also the related category american. Haloke is not regularly used as a baby name for girls.
Kipper Name Meaning. German: variant of Kipp. German: habitational name for someone from a place called Kipper in Westphalia. Eastern German: from Sorbian kipry 'weak', hence a nickname for a frail or weak-willed person.
The name Bhradain is a Scottish baby name. In Scottish the meaning of the name Bhradain is: Salmon.
Bradana is a baby girl name its meaning is salmon. Mostly popular in religion. The poeple have viewed this name 1327 times.
[ syll. lea(x), le-ax ] The baby boy name Leax is pronounced as LIYKOW †. Leax has its origins in the Old English language. The name's meaning is 'resembling salmon'. Leax is unusual as a baby name for boys.
Malila is a baby girl name its meaning is salmon going fast upstream. Mostly popular in religion. The poeple have viewed this name 1606 times.
The name Kosumi is a Native American baby name. In Native American the meaning of the name Kosumi is: Fishes for salmon with spear.
Braden is a name that is popular in the United States and Canada. Its origin is confined to the British Isles and has two ancient sources. The English meaning of Braden is "broad valley". ... The Gaelic Irish surname Ó Bradáin, meaning descendant of Bradán. Bradán is derived from an Irish Gaelic word meaning "salmon".
Braden is a name that is popular in the United States and Canada. Its origin is confined to the British Isles and has two ancient sources. The English meaning of Braden is "broad valley". or "broad hillside". ... Bradán is derived from an Irish Gaelic word meaning "salmon".