50 Best Meaningful Christian Baby Girl and Boy Names

When you are choosing a name for your little baby you need to look into everything. The names form the whole personality of your kid and that is why you should always be extra conscious about them.

There are some things that you should always know about choosing a name. This starts with choosing the name that comes with a correct meaning. Then you should see if the pronunciation is appropriate and easy. Lastly, always choose a name that you feel is right. Never rely on other peoples’ opinions.

We have often discussed cute names for boys and girls in a lot of categories. These names are for all the people who are looking for new names for their little ones. In this article, we are going to mention the top 50 best meaningful Christian baby girl and boy names that you can use for your little ones. Let’s get started and see what names you can choose for your little one.

We will start the names with baby girl names so that you can first look for names for your baby girl. Then we will see all the boy’s names.


 The first name that we are going to talk about is the name Ahlai which comes from Hebrew origin. The name Ahlai occurs two times in the bible too. The meaning of this name is ornamental, and adornment.


The second name is the name Bethany which again comes from Hebrew origin. Bethany is known to be a village name that is present in the bible. The meaning of this name is the House of welcome.


Carmi is a name that comes from a biblical origin and it means orchard, or a garden. The fun thing about this name is that it was a male name in the bible. But, in modern times this name converted to a female name.


 The name Debora is a fun name because of its meaning. This name means bee, and it comes from Hebrew origin. It again is present in the bible.


If you are looking for a biblical name that is short and is also trendy then out of all the Christian baby girl names you can choose the name, Eve. The meaning of this name is living.


 The next name that we are going to talk about might not be that famous but is a good name. The name Faith also comes from Hebrew origin and it means belief.


 The name that we are going to mention now is Georgia. The name Georgia comes from Greek origin but it is a Hebrew name. The meaning of this name is a farmer.


 Hulda is the next name that we would like to add to this list. The name Huldah again comes from Hebrew origin and it means lifetime.


 Iscah is a name that comes from Tradition Hebrew origin. It is again quite a popular name and you might hear a lot about this name. The meaning of this name is Flower.


 The name that we think again should be mentioned in this list is Jemimah. Jemimah is a really beautiful name coming from Hebrew origin. This name means dove.


 The name Kezia comes again from the biblical origin and it means a Cassia tree. This name is known to be a divine name so you can surely choose it.


The name that we are going to be talking about next is Lydia. This name also comes from Greek origin. The meaning of this name is Lydia as well. If you are looking for more such names that come from Greek origin then you can look for Beautiful and unique Greek names for girls


 The name Mahla has to be one of our favorite names. The name Mahlah comes from Hebrew origin and is a Hebrew name. The meaning of this name is weary.


 The next name that we are going to talk about is the name Naarah. This again is a very beautiful name and it means a girl or a maiden.


Phebe is one Christian baby girl’s name which again is really beautiful, coming from Hebrew origin. This name Phebe means bright and good. This name also comes from the bible.


If you are looking for a name that is really unique then you can choose this name, Priscilla. The meaning of this name Priscilla is ancient or vulnerable.


 One name that we think you must have heard a lot about is the name, Rachel. The name Rachel is a biblical name and it means ewe or a female sheep.


 The next name that we are going to talk about is one name that comes from a lot of origins. The name that we are mentioning is a biblical name. The meaning of this name is a princess.


The name that we are mentioning now comes from Hebrew as well as Latin origin. The meaning of this name Terah is earth or flourishing.


The name Tryphosa is the name which comes from biblical origin again. The name Tryphosa also means delicate or soft. This is a really beautiful name to be chosen.


Vashti is a name that comes from Persian origin. This is a really pretty name which means lovely. You sure can choose this name for your baby girl.


The name that we think should again be a part of this list is Zarah. This is a beautiful name that means radiance. The name with the meaning is really beautiful so you can go with this name.


 The last baby girl name that we are going to mention in the list of Christian baby girl names is Zia. The meaning of this name is light. You can use this really short and cute name.

Baby boy names

We will now start off with the baby boy names and look into everything that comes with these amazing names.


Because we are just starting with the list of Christian baby boy names we would like to start with the name Aaron. This a really nice name that means enlightened. This is a biblical name again.


The next name that we are going to talk about is a name that comes from the bible again. The meaning of this really cute name is blessed or honorable.


For the third name we are going to mention the name Cain which again is a catholic name from the bible. The name Cain means the first son of Eve and Adam.


If you are looking for a short name then we do have an option for you again. Dan is a short name that is derived from the name Daniel. This name means humorous and kind.


 The next name that we are going to talk about is Efrat. This again is a really unique name and it means distinguished. This name can surely be a good option.


If you are looking for something new and something different then you can just go up with this name. The name Felix means someone who is really cheerful.


 For the next name that we are going to mention we are going to talk about Ganit. The meaning of this name Ganit is a defender. This is an appropriate name for your baby boy.


 Some names are like a right click just when you hear them, and this includes the name, Ham. The meaning of name Ham means someone who is hot.


If you are looking for a name that is more on the religious Christianity side then you can choose this name, Isaac. The name Isaac means someone with beautiful laughter.


Because we are talking about the name Isaac, we would suggest you this name, Jacob. The meaning of the name Jacob is the son of Isaac. For brothers, you can choose these two names.


Kalb is the next name that we are going to talk about which again is the name coming from the bible as it is a biblical name. The meaning of the name Kalb is bold, and someone who is faithful.


When we talk about names that include being our own personal favorite then we would mention the name, Lael. This name means someone who is devoted to God completely.


If you are looking for a name that is somewhat a little old-school and can still be chosen then you can go for this name. The meaning of this name is the gift of Jehovah.


When we talk about names that are really famous among Christians then we have to mention the name, Noah. Noah is the name that means consolation.


If you are looking for a really changed and different name then you sure can go with this name Othello. The name Othello is really unique and new. This name means very prosperous and rich.

If you are again looking for more options and more names then you can look for the top 15 Christian baby names and their beautiful meanings. You will be able to find some really good names in this list for your little kiddo.


For the next name with the letter P we would like to mention the name Phil which again is a popular name. The name Phil means someone who is a really good friend.


 Some people like names that are a little bit on the difficult side which means they would love the name Reuel. The name Reuel comes from Biblical origin and this name means a friend of God.


The name that we are going to mention now is an interesting name, Sean. The name Sean is known to be the third month in the calendar of Hebrew. The name means that our Lord is gracious.


For more short and cute names that are also unique you can look for the name Ted. The name Ted comes from a Christian background and it means gift of God.


 Urias is the next name that we are going to be mentioning in this list. The name Urias means Jehovah is light. It also is pretty obvious that it is a Christian name.


 The name that again is really unique and is also loved a lot by people is Vincent. The meaning of the name Vincent is conquering. You can surely choose this name.


If you are looking for a name with not just unique pronunciation but also unique meaning then you can use the name, Walter. The meaning of this name is a powerful warrior.


 It is rare to find a name that starts with the alphabet X, so if you are looking for any such thing then you can go with this name Xavier. It is a beautiful name that means someone who is really helpful and also bright.

For more names, you can again look for the most popular Christian baby names with origin in 2022. You will again be able to find more names that would suit the personality of your kid. It will help you in finding more options.


The name that we are going to mention next is the second last name in this list. The name that we are going to mention is York. The name York means someone who is from the farm. It is a fun name so can surely be chosen.


Because now, we are going to mention the last name in the list of Christian baby girl and boy names we would mention something really unique. The name that we are talking about is Zebedee which is unique and really beautiful. This name comes from the Biblical origin again and it means someone or something in abundance.

These are all the names that we would like to mention in this list. We are sure you will find some really good options in this list.

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