50 Top Trending Baby Boy Names in 2022

When your baby is born you definitely want to choose the best name for him. This way every parent wants to do so.

If you are looking for top trending baby boy names you can look for the top 100 baby names but specifically for boys all you need to do is read this article below.

1NoahBoyNoah is the lead romantic character in the novel and film “The Notebook”.
2ElaijahBoyWe got her name from elijah
4LucasBoyMan from lucania
6MichaelBoyWho is like god
7LoganBoyFrom the little hollow
8MateoBoyGift of god
9SebastianBoyFrom Sebaste, A town in Asia minor
10OwenBoyA well born man
11JosephBoyHe will enlarge
12SamuelBoyHis name is god
13JohnBoyGod has been gracious
14MatthewBoyGod’s present
15AsherBoyFrom the Hebrew meaning “fortunate” or “happy”.
16JulianBoyThe child of jove, one who is youthful
17LeoBoyAmerican actor, Leonardo DiCaprio is often referred to as “Leo”
18GraysonBoySon of Gray, Son of Grey haired one
19IsaacBoyName of a prophet, son of ibrahim, one who laughs
20HudsonBoySon of hud
21DylanBoyFrom a large sea
22CharlesBoyStrong and manly
23JaxonBoyA form of jackson
24ChristopherBoyBearer of christ
25JosiahBoyFrom the Hebrew Yoshiya meaning “God heals”
26EliasBoyJehovah is god, Name of one Prophet
27MilesBoyOne who is merciful, a soldier
28NolanBoyA famous and noble man, A champion of the people
29AaronBoyShining light
30AidenBoyAidan Turner is an Irish actor, best know for his roles in “The Hobbit” film series and as the lead in TV drama “Poldark”.
31EzekialBoyGod make me stronger
32ColtonBoyFrom an Old English surname which was originally from a place name, meaning “coal town”
34SantiagoBoyFrom the Spanish santo, meaning “saint” and the obsolete Spanish name Iago, a form of James.
35EastonBoyA Scottish surname which comes from the Old English ast “east” and ton town
36WesleyBoyThis name is of Old English origin, and its, meaning is “western meadow”.
37CooperBoyA red- headed woman
38ConnorBoyA wolf lover
39IanBoyBritish author Ian Fleming wrote “Casino Royale”, his first novel about fictional spy “James Bond”, in 1953
40LeonardoBoyItalian Renaissance artist Leonardo Da Vinci is best known for his painting the “Mona Lisa” which was painted in the early 16th century
41NathanBoyAnother name for Krishna, Controller
42DominicBoyBritish actors that share the name Dominic include Dominic West, famous for his roles in TV series “The Wire” and films “300” and “Chicago”, and Dominic Cooper, beloved for his roles in “Mamma Mia” and “The History Boys”.
43AustinBoyJane Austen was an English writer born in 1775 and known for her novels “Pride and Prejudice” and “Emma”.
44KaiBoyA Danish name from the Latin Caius of Etruscan origin and uncertain meaning, but possibly meaning “rejoice”.
45ParkerBoyPark keeper
46SilasBoyA Greek name, a short form of Silouanus. Derived from the Latin Silv?nus, from silva means “wood”.
47JaceBoyJace Richdale is a producer and script writer on the popular American cartoon series “The Simpsons”.
48JoseBoySpanish form of Joseph, which is from the Hebrew Yosef, via the Greek Iosephos and the Latin Iosephus, and, meaning “God will give”.

NoahThe first most popular baby name is Noah which is actually a trending name. The origin of this really popular name is Hebrew. This name means Restful. Definitely, a name you can go for.

ElijahElijah is the next really famous and really popular name that comes from Hebrew origin only. The Hebrew names are popular because they consist of all the good qualities that should be in the name. The meaning of this name is Jehovah is God.

JamesWe know there are always some names that despite the era are really famous and James definitely comes under that category. This name comes from Hebrew origin and it means supplanter.

LucasThe next name that we are going to talk about is the name, Lucas. This again makes for the trendiest name and it comes from Greek origin. The meaning of this name is A shining light.

HenryTalking about the name that became popular after some fictional characters or celebrities then Henry comes under that category. The name Henry comes from French origin and the meaning of this name is Household ruler.

MichaelComing to the next name that has again been very popular for quite a few decades is the name, Michael. This name is very popular again because of a celebrity. The meaning of this name that is like God and it comes from Hebrew origin.

LoganThere are always some names that you do not get to hear a lot but they are actually very trendy. Yes, we are talking about the name Logan that comes under this category. The name comes from Scottish origin and it means little hollow.

MateoWhen we are talking about the names then we would love to add a name that is popular and is also one of our favorite names. Mateo is that name for us and it comes from Hebrew origin. The meaning of this name is Gift from God.

SebastianNow, you will always hear names that are so unique that it takes some time for you to understand them. Sebastian is that unique yet very trendy name. this name comes from Greek origin and the meaning of this name is worthy of reverence.

OwenThe name Owen is the next really trendy and a really popular name that comes from Greek origin again. This really popular and pretty name means well-born. This will be a good choice for your little one.

JosephComing to the next name, you must know that some name never becomes old and they stay popular no matter what era. Joseph is one of those names for sure. This name comes from Hebrew origin and it means He will add.

SamuelSamuel is one of those names that you get to hear a lot because it is actually one of the top 10 popular names. The name comes from Hebrew origin. This name means God has heard.

JohnThere are again some names that we think are the Go-to names. This name John is one of those names. If you are confused then you can surely go for this name. This name comes from Hebrew origin and it means God has given.

MatthewThe next name that we are going to talk about is Matthew. This name again is known to be one of the most popular names. The origin of this name is Hebrew again and this name means a gift from God.

AsherComing to the next name, we think it is one of the easiest names yet one of the prettiest and really popular. The origin of this name is Irish and this name means blessed and happy.

JulianThere are a lot of names that are just so fun to pronounce and are also popular. Julian is one of those names, at least we think so. The origin of this name is Latin and this name means Youthful. The meaning is just as fun as the name.

LeoIf you are somebody who is looking for names that are not just popular but are also short, cute, and easy to pronounce then this would be your perfect choice. The origin of this name is Latin and this name means Lion-hearted.

GraysonGrayson is the next name that we would surely like to mention in this list. The origin of this name is English and this name means son of a gray-haired man. So, if you have gray hair, you know what to do.

IsaacThere are some names that are just so popular in some religions and we think Isaac is one of those names for the Hebrew community. The origin of this name without any doubt is Hebrew and it means he will laugh.

HudsonHudson is the next really popular and a really pretty name. This again is really popular. The origin of this name is English and it means son of a hooded man.

DylanThere are always some names that just slip on your tongue and are also very easy to pronounce. Dylan is one of those names again. The origin of this name is Welsh and it means great tide.

CharlesComing to the next name we think this also comes in the list of names that are really common yet really popular. The name Charles for sure is that name for us. The origin of this name is English and it means born of Kings.

JaxonTalking about the names that are really famous in America we would surely like to mention the name Jaxon. The origin of this name is as it states American and it means son of jack.

ChristopherThe name that we are going to talk about now is really famous and you must have heard about it a lot. Christopher definitely makes it to the list of famous names. The origin of this name is Greek and it means bearer of Christ.

JosiahThe next name that we are going to talk about is definitely a popular name but with that, this name also radiates peace. The origin of this name is Hebrew and it means healing.

EliasThe name Elias again is one of those names that come in different variations in different religions. The origin of this name is Hebrew and it means Lord is my God.

MilesMiles is the next name that we are going to talk about which is really different yet very famous. The name comes from English origin and the meaning of this name is Soldier.

NolanWe think that every name that ends with ‘lan’ automatically gains fame and becomes really popular. This name Nolan comes from Gaelic origin and it means Champion.

AaronThere are a lot of names that come from more than just one background and Aaron definitely is that name. This name originally comes from the Hebrew background and it means mountain of strength.

Aiden: The next name that we are going to talk about is an Irish name that is very popular because of all the qualities it possesses. The meaning of this Irish name is Fire. It is definitely an eye-catching name. For more Irish names you can look for cute and modern Irish baby names.

EzekialTalking about the next name, it comes under the category of names that are very unique yet are really popular. Ezekial is definitely that name for us. The origin of this name is Hebrew and it means God will strengthen.

ColtonThe names that come from the English background are usually very popular. This name Colton definitely comes under that category. The origin of this name is for sure English and it means Cole’s town.

HunterHunter is the next popular name that we are going to talk about. This name comes from the English origin and the meaning just as the name states is someone who hunts.

SantiagoTalking about the names that are extremely unique but are very beautiful, Santiago is the name that makes that list. The origin of this name is Hebrew and it means supplanter.

EastonThe next name that we are going to talk about is the name, Easton. This name comes from an English background. And the meaning of this popular name is an island of stones.

WesleyWhen we are talking about the popular names we could not miss this name Wesley. The name Wesley comes from English origin and it means west meadows.

CooperCooper is the name that we do not even need to mention how famous it is. It is definitely one of the most popular names. The origin of this name is English and it means barrel maker.

AngelThe next name that we are going to talk about is as angelic as it might get. Yes, the name literally is an angel. The origin of this name is Greek and it means messenger, just how it should be.

ConnorConnor is the next name that we are going to talk about which again is a really pretty name. This name comes from Irish origin and it means lover of wolves. You can choose this name for your little one.

IanComing to the next name, if you are looking for a name that is easy to pronounce, is short, and cute then this would be your perfect choice. The origin of this name is Gaelic and it means God’s gracious gift.

LeonardoThe names that became popular because of celebrities, Leonardo is one of those names and we all know it. The origin of this name is Italian and it means brave lion. Caprio made this name famous for sure.

NathanNathan is one of those names that became really popular after celebrities. This name got fame after the actor Nathan Kress. The origin of this name is Hebrew and it means He gave. For more celebrity names you can look for famous celebrity names like Nathan Kress for kids.

DominicTalking about names that are really unique and are also rare yet make it to the popular list includes this name, Dominic. This is the name that comes from the Latin background and it means Lordly.

AustinThe next name that we are going to talk about is the name Austin. This again is a really famous name as it must be. The origin of this name is English and it means Great one.

KaiKai is the next name that we are going to talk about. This again is a very short yet very popular name. This is the name that comes from Hawaiian origin and it means Sea.

ParkerThe next name that we thought should make to this list is the name parker which is our favorite too. The name parker comes from English origin and it means park-keeper.

SilasSilas is the name that we think is really cute and can be chosen for the baby boy. This name comes from a Latin background and it means Forest.

JaceJace is the second last name that made it to our popular names’ list because it actually is that popular. This is the name that comes from Greek origin. The meaning of this name is Healer.

JoseFinally, coming to the last name of this list, we will mention the name, Jose. This name comes from Hebrew origin and the meaning of this beautiful name is He shall add.

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