Artificial Intelligence: An Introduction For Kids

Artificial intelligence is the technology of today. It has revolutionized all aspects of life. Children must not only be aware but also learn how to use it.

Artificial intelligence for kids

Artificial Intelligence will help them understand the scopes and opportunities they have now for their future. It is an introduction for kids that will make them to understand AI thoroughly with the help of examples from daily routine life. Kids are also using such gadgets and already experiencing AI but are unaware that these works are done with Artificial Intelligence.

Therefore; this article will help them to know their own life also.

1. Intelligence in Humans

We want you to think about the smartest people that you know of. Maybe you’re thinking about Albert Einstein, Benjamin Franklin, or Leonardo da Vinci. These people were brilliant in their fields. They were able to come up with some amazing inventions for our society. Today we wouldn’t be the same without them. So what makes these people intelligent?

What is Intelligence Exactly?

There are a lot of different definitions out there and psychologists argue all the time about what the exact definition of intelligence is. “Top 10 Most Intelligent Kids in the World By Their Talent” is worth reading here. Many scientists agree that ‘the ability to learn’ is one of the most important parts of intelligence. Because if you’re able to learn anything, you are then able to do everything else.

Some Examples From Everyday Life

Whenever you go on to Netflix and you look at the recommendations or YouTube and look at the recommendations for your videos that are up next, you must know that you are dealing with AI. Whenever you talk to Siri on your phone or your parent’s phone or you talk to Alexa, AI is there for you. Whenever you watch the news and see the weather, AI is used to predict the weather. if your parents have a Roomba vacuum for your floor, that’s a perfect example of AI as well. Moreover, let’s discuss, how this exactly relates to AI.

What Does Artificial Mean?

We know about intelligence now and the fact that it’s the ability to learn and it’s one of the most important parts of intelligence. Now artificial meaning “man-made”. So this is when the computer thinks or in other words we can say it is machine learning.

Scenario Before Artificial Intelligence

Well, in its initial era, while using computers one used to have to be very particular with that. One has to be very accurate and concise. You gave it instructions and then they would perform the given task. You might be interested to read about Home Tutoring for Kids: 08 Creative Ways to Make Learning Fun. If you’ve ever programmed a Sphero or had Lego Mindstorms where you had a little computer that you were programming the robot to move forward one spot and then turn right 90 degrees and then move forward one spot and things like. Those are exactly what it used to be very hard-coded. It was very strict and rigid so the computer had to follow the instructions to go from one step to the next.

How does Artificial Intelligence Work?

Let’s talk more about what artificial intelligence is and try to understand it with this introduction for kids. How does it exactly work? AI is different than that because we don’t give the instructions; we give it tasks. Well, we can name it the second part of artificial intelligence. For example, we will ask it to reach the end of the table or we want you to put that ball into that container. We may ask it to measure the diameter of the Earth from millions of different websites. What AI does is, it says okay I have this goal in mind and I am going to find out. What it’s going to do is it’s going to go out there and search the data from millions of different websites. It uses all the data that is known in the past from all of these websites they have stuff about the Earth. It then divides and filters out everything else that doesn’t have to do with the Earth. Then it’s going to go farther and farther down with that and filtering out more and more websites until it finds your answer. It’s able to do this in fractions of a second whereas if a human would have to go through all of those websites, it would take years for them just to know websites containing information about the Earth. Then it would take more time just to whittle it down farther than that.

AI will Provide a Better Life

There’s nothing to fear with AI. There have been a bunch of Hollywood movies that make out that AI is going to take over the world. It’s not like that. AI is here to help us, make our lives easier, keep us safe from hurricanes and tornadoes, and make life more enjoyable. There is also a guide that tells about Best 10 Steps How to Raise Happy Kids. It can give us a good recommendation for watching a movie, that we’re not watching the same movie every single night and having a little bit more fun in our lives.


Artificial intelligence has inspired almost all aspects of human life. Any work done with the help of AI will be far more advanced and flawless as compared to other work. However, this introduction for kids will sufficiently educate them about artificial intelligence. Children are fast learners and they are also inclined to be attracted to new things, especially technology. Therefore, every child must be provided the opportunity to use artificial intelligence to make their future life more valuable.

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