Famous Celebrity Names like Natalie Dormer for Your Baby Girls

When the baby is born or even before the birth, the most important question that parents are often asked is what they are going to name their kid.

Famous Celebrity Names like Natalie Dormer for Your Baby Girls

Some of the parents decide it as soon as they get to know the gender of the baby, and others think of it when the birth is very close.

Out of the two categories whichever you think you are, this article is for you. If you are finding good names you can look for the top 100 baby names.

If not that we are here to help you with that. In this article, we are going to be discussing some of the famous female celebrity names with their meanings and origins for you.

Out of all these names that we are going to mention below, you can choose any. We will also mention the details so that you understand them better.

Natalie Dormer:

Because we have just started this article with the famous celebrity name that is Natalie dormer so we will know more about it.

Natalie dormer is the name of an extremely famous actress. This name got really popular after her appearance in a famous season called the game of thrones.

There are also some other famous shows of her. Now coming to the name, Natalie is the name coming of Latin origin.

The meaning of this name is the birth of the Lord. You can definitely go for this name for your cute little baby girl.


The next name that we think is again going to catch your attention is Alicia. This is a very popular name for girls.

Alicia is a name that comes of German origin and is also very popular among Germans. This name also has a great meaning.

The meaning of this cute name is noble nature which is pretty appropriate for your girls. This name got famous after the two famous celebrities that are Alicia Silverstone and Alicia keys.


The name that we are now going to talk about is again extremely famous and loved by so many people all around the world.

This name does not really need any introduction because of the fame. Yes, we are talking about the name Bella.

Bella is the name that again comes from Latin origin. The meaning of the name Bella is beautiful, yes that is the literal meaning.

This name became famous after the two extremely famous celebrities Bella Hadid, and Bella Thorne. This name can be chosen for your little angel for sure.


The name that we think is extremely famous again but does not really come with great meaning is Chloe. You must have heard this name a lot.

Chloe is the name that is thought to be very famous again because of the celebrity named Chloe Grace Moretz.

This name comes from Greek origin and you can use this name if you think it is good because the pronunciation and sound are actually very nice.

When it comes to the meaning of this name we do not really appreciate or prefer this name. The meaning of this name is fertility.

The meaning is not something that should be thought of as bad but for us, it just does not make any sense. For more Greek names you can look for the beautiful and unique Greek names for girls.


Just when we are talking about the names that are loved, it will not be right if we do not mention the name that is our personal favorite.

Yes, we are talking about a very popular and very pretty name Elizabeth. This is the name that comes from Hebrew origin.

This name is not popular only in one or two parts of the world but everywhere you go. This name is known to be one of the most used names for sure.

The famous celebrities with this name are not too many because this name got famous because of the one and only Queen Elizabeth.

It does not even need to be mentioned because people already know everything about it. We do not really need to get into more details.


When we are talking about the names of famous female celebrities, if we do not mention this name, we will not be doing justice to the article.

Yes, we are talking about the name that is loved everywhere because of the celebrity attached to this name. It is the most famous Gigi Hadid.

After Gigi Hadid, this name also got really famous. The word Gigi or the name Gigi comes from French origin and is also very popular among them.

The meaning of this name is God is Gracious. With that fame and meaning, you can go for this name for sure.

For more girls’ names, you can look for the most popular and unique baby girl names with meanings?


The second most favorite name of ours in this list had to be Jennifer. There are always a few names that you love for literally no reason.

Jennifer again is one of the prettiest names and also one of those names that are everywhere. This name is very popular for baby girls.

Jennifer is the name that comes from the Cornish Origin. The meaning of this name is a fair one. The celebrities with this name are Jennifer Anniston and Jennifer Lopez.

This name again is pretty much perfect for your little angel and can definitely be selected.


Now, that we are heading towards the last name of this list we need to make it good. So, for that, we have chosen the name, Kim.

We do not think that this name needs any introduction again because it is actually that popular. Kim is the name that got famous after the most famous, none other than Kim Kardashian.

The name Kim comes from English origin. If you are looking for more such names look for the top 10 English girl names.

When it comes to the meaning of this name, it is precious. This again is a perfect name for your little one.

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