After the birth of the baby, there are some major things that parents have to think of which also includes one thing that is a must to mention, and that is naming their kids.
Name is always one of the most important decisions to make because the name is like the lifelong decision that you have to make very wisely and very carefully.
Naming the kid also comes under the responsibilities of the mother to her child because obviously, it is a very important thing to decide.
This article is somewhat the same because in this article we are going to discuss some of the cutest and sweet Korean baby girls’ names that you can choose from.
We will mention all the cute, trendy, and modern names that you can choose for your cute little Korean baby girls.
How Do Koreans Name Their Kids?
Well, just like any other culture the Koreans also name their kids with three names, which are the first name, second name, and last name.
The only thing that is different with Koreans and that Koreans choose to do differently from others is that they do not give a name to their kids that come from their family or their relatives.
Now, we will discuss some really cute names for the girls.
Girl Names:
We will now discuss some of the cutest and popular names. But if you want to find more names you can also look for the top 10 Korean girl’s names.
Ae RI: The first name that we are going to discuss is the name Ae Ri. This is one of the cutest and very popular names in Koreans for girls.
Origin: The origin of this name is Korean.
Meaning: The meaning of this beautiful Korean baby girl name is to gain. The other meaning of this extremely cute name is an advantage.
Ah hin: The next name in the list of Korean baby girl names is this name Ah hin. This again is a very beautiful name. it does not just stop here but the meaning of this name is even more beautiful than you will know next.
Origin: The origin of this name is also Korean.
Meaning: As we mentioned that the meaning is very beautiful too, we were not lying. The meaning of this modern and pretty Korean baby girl name is benevolence and also humanness.
Byeol: Now when we talk about the names that are popular yet are also very unique then this name is a must to mention there. This is one of the most unique names of Korean baby girls.
Origin: the origin again in Korean.
Meaning: The meaning of this unique and rare name is as unique which is a star. You can choose this name for your baby girl because she is a star too.
Chan mi: The next must to mention the name in this list is the name Chan mi which again is a very popular name among Koreans and they really like to give it to their girls.
Origin: The origin of this name is Korean too.
Meaning: The meaning of this name is somehow the reason for its popularity too. The meaning of this praiseworthy name is praise. If you are someone who believes that the name does have an effect on the kid, you can definitely choose this name for her.
Dae: Now, if you are somebody who is looking for a name that is very cute, very unique but is also not very difficult to pronounce or does not have hard spellings then you can go for this name.
Origin: The origin of Dae is again Korean.
Meaning: The meaning of this cute and short name is the great one. You can also choose this name for its amazing meaning. If you are looking for more names or more ideas, then you can definitely check what are some unique Korean names. Meanings and origins.
You will get more ideas if you just click the above-mentioned link.
Eun Ae: Eun Ae is the next name that you can also look for if you are looking for some modern names for your little angel because this is a very modern and very beautiful name.
Origin: The origin of this name like all the other names is Korean.
Meaning: You are definitely going to love the meaning of this name because the meaning of this name is love and grace. We are sure you must be thinking of this name as one of your choices for your baby girl.
Ha Eun: Ha Eun is a name that is not a single name rather this name is a combination of two different names, or you can say two different words that are Ha and Eun.
Origin: The origin of this name is yet again Korean, but we are not complaining because we are after all looking for Korean names.
Meaning: Now as we mentioned that this name is a combination of two different names, it also comes with different meanings too.
The meaning of the first name Ha is great, summer, and talented which itself is amazing but the other part of the name also has a great meaning that is mercy and kindness.
If you are looking for this kind of name you can definitely opt for it. If you want more name suggestions you can search for the top 100 baby names and you will find your desired results.
Hye: The last name that we are going to mention in this list is the name that is our personal favorite and it is the name Hye. We love this name because of its extra amazing meaning.
Origin: As we have mentioned in all the other names, the origin of this name is also Korean.
Meaning: And just as we said this name is our personal favorite because of its meaning so we would definitely mention that too. The meaning of this cutest name is intelligent women in the Korean language.
We are sure you loved all these names, and you will definitely consider them for your girl.