When the baby has come into the world you are often wondering about a lot of different things as a parent because it is one of the most wholesome feelings in the world. With that, you also have a lot to worry about because there are a lot of responsibilities that come with being a parent. While you go through all of them, one thing that should not bother you is the name of your baby.
One thing that you should always do beforehand is chosen a name for your baby. If you are a parent who right now is looking for a name for your kid then you are at the right place. In this article, we are going to talk about popular Christian baby names for both boys and girls. if you like any name you can surely pick it up from here.

Girl Names:
The first name that we are going to talk about is an ever-green name. The name Jennifer has to be one of the most popular Christian baby names no matter what. This name comes of Arthurian origin and it means fair one. Guinevere was known to be the mythological Queen of King Arthur. It is a female name.
If you are somebody who is looking for a Christian name that is cute and unique but that is also short then Mia would be a great choice. The name comes from Hebrew origin and the meaning of this name is beloved.
The next name is Talitha which we are going to mention. The name Talitha is extremely unique and it comes from a biblical story. The exact meaning of this name is unknown as it is a sacred name.
One of our own favorite names for Christian baby names is Zillah. The name Zillah is present in the old testament of the bible so it is a special name coming from Hebrew origin. The meaning of this beautiful name is protection.
In this list, the next name that we are going to mention is something that we are sure you must not have heard about before. The name Elora is extremely unique and it comes from Hebrew origin. The meaning of this name is God is my light.
One of the most popular names among the Christians that we are sure you have heard a lot about is Sussane. So, it is important to mention this name. The meaning of this really beautiful name is Lilly. If you are looking for more such cute names then you can look for the top 15 Christian baby names and their meanings for more such suggestions.
The last Christian baby girl name that we would like to mention is Salome. This name comes from Hebrew origin and the meaning of this name is peace. This is also a very beautiful name to choose from if you are looking for a good name.
Boy Names:
The first boy’s name that we are going to talk about is Ian which is an extremely cute name. The name Ian has two different origins i.e. Hebrew and Scottish. The meaning of this name is God is gracious.
Now, if you are going to have twins in the near future then we have this suggestion for you. With the name Salome choose the male name, Soloman. This name also comes from Hebrew origin. The meaning of this name is peace too. He was also known to be the king of Israel.
The next name that we are going to talk about is the name, Kevin. This name comes of Irish origin and the meaning is handsome by birth. In Ireland, the name Kevin was used until the 20th century only but now it is popular everywhere.
The next name that we are going to mention is Immanuel. This name again is one of the most popular also coming from Christ origin. The meaning of the name Immanuel is God is with us.
The next Christian baby name that we are going to mention for boys is again our personal favorite name. The name that we are talking about is Amal. The meaning of the name Amal is labor and it comes from Hebrew origin.
There are always some names that are really pretty sounding and you want to use them as soon as you get to hear them. The meaning of this really nice name is strong.
The next name that we need to mention is Benjamin. The name is important because it is one of the oldest names in Christianity but is still the most popular. The name Benjamin is the name of Jacobs’s children. The meaning of this amazing name is literally son. You can choose this name if you are looking for an old-school name.
The next name that we are going to mention is of the Prophets name and that is why is extremely respectable for everyone in the community! The name that we are talking about is Daniel. Daniel is the name that comes from the bible only and the meaning of this name is God is my judge.
The last name in this article that we are going to be mentioning is the name, Andrew. This name you must also have heard about because it is really popular. The name Andrew also comes from Hebrew origin and the meaning of this name is Brave. If you are looking for more such powerful names you can look for what are some powerful baby boy names.
These are some of the most popular Christian names that you can choose from your little babies and can make them feel special. If you choose any of the names that we have mentioned above do let us know too. These names also come with great meaning so you can choose any of these for all the good traits to come in your kiddo.