The 99 Names of ALLAH

When we are talking about names it is usually the common names that we are looking for in kids. We have discussed a lot of different names that you can use for your kids. But, in this article, we are going to be talking about the 99 names of Allah with meaning. We are going to mention as much detail as possible about each name.

It is common among Muslims to learn the names of Allah but getting to know about the names of Allah with meaning is even more beautiful. We will discuss everything about these beautiful names below.

AL-RAHMAN:  The Beneficent

One from 99 Names of Allah. Arabic Asmaul husna, Al-Rahman or the beneficent

AL-RAHIM: The Merciful

One from 99 Names of Allah. Arabic Asmaul husna, Al-Rahim or the merciful

Detailed meaning: Starting off with the names Al Rahman and Al Rahim. These two names of Allah tala mean the most merciful. This means that He is the most giving in all aspects of life to His creations. He is super gracious and He gives His mercy to all His believers. This also means that His mercy is for the believers in both worlds.

Reference from Quran: In the name of Allah , the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful. 1:1. The name AL-Rehman has occurred 57 times in the Holy Quran and AL-Raheem has occurred about 123 times in Holy Quran. The name Rahman is present in Surah-Ar-Rahmaan.

AL-MALIK: The King

one of from 99 Names Allah. Arabic Asmaul husna, al-malik or the sovereign lord

AL-MALIK UL MILK: The Master of The Kingdom

Detailed meaning: These names of Allah indicate that Allah is the only King present in this world. He is the one who has the hold of the whole world. Things only happen if He says as He is the one who has all the control. This also means He is the only supreme one.

Reference from Quran: He is Allah, other than whom there is no deity, the Sovereign, the Pure, the Perfection, the Bestower of Faith, the Overseer, the Exalted in Might, the Compeller, the Superior 59:23. The name AL-Maalik has occurred 5 times in the Holy Quran. It is present in Surah Hashr, Surah Qamar, and Surah Al-Imran.

AL-QUDDUS: The Most Sacred

Detailed meaning: the name AL-Quddus indicated that Allah tala is the one who is free from all kinds of imperfections as He is the most perfect. It also means that there is no evil associated with Him. He is the one with all the perfection in the world and beyond.

Reference from Quran: He is Allah, other than whom there is no deity, the Sovereign, the Pure, the Perfection, the Bestower of Faith, the Overseer, the Exalted in Might, the Compeller, the Superior. 59:23. the name Quddus is present two times in the Holy Quran. This name is present in Surah Al-Jumah in Quran.

AL-SALAM: The Flawless

one of from 99 Names Allah. Arabic Asmaul husna, As-Salam or the guardian of faith

Detailed meaning: the next name which is As-Salam is one name that indicates that Allah is free from all imperfections in all his actions and His attributes. He does not make any mistakes and He is the one who gives security to everybody.

Reference from Quran: He is Allah, other than whom there is no deity, the Sovereign, the Pure, the Perfection, the Bestower of Faith, the Overseer, the Exalted in Might, the Compeller, the Superior 59:23. This name is only present once in the Holy Quran. It is present in the Surah Hashr.

AL-MOMIN: The Infuser of Faith

Detailed meaning: The name Al-Momin testifies that He is the one and it gives us the surety that He is the most truthful. He is the one no matter what does not wrong His believers and gives them peace and tranquility. This name Testifies that he is the one who brings then believers with faith.

Reference from Quran: He is Allah, other than whom there is no deity, the Sovereign, the Pure, the Perfection, the Bestower of Faith, the Overseer (dominant), the Exalted in Might, the Compeller, the Superior 59:23. the name momin is present only once in the Holy Quran. This is again present in the Surah Hashr.

AL-MUHAYMINUL: The Preserver of Safety

one of from 99 Names Allah. Arabic Asmaul husna, Al-Muhaymin or the protector

Detailed meaning: the next name of Allah indicates that He is the one who is constantly watching over His believers. He is the one who guarantees the safety of His people. He is the one who is looking after all the affairs that are happening in one’s life.

Reference from Quran: He is Allah, other than whom there is no deity, the Sovereign, the Pure, the Perfection, the Bestower of Faith, the Overseer, the Exalted in Might, the Compeller, the Superior 59:23. this name is also present once in the Holy Quran in Surah Al Hashr.

AL-AZIZ: The Almighty

one of from 99 Names Allah. Arabic Asmaul husna, Al-Aziz or the protector

Detailed meaning:  The name Al-Aziz is one of 99 names of Allah in Arabic that are the most occurring. His name is Al-Aziz that tells us that He is the one who has all the might to do anything. He is the one who is the most dominant of all. He is the one who is the strongest of all and He has hold over all the creatures and the worlds.

Reference from Quran: He is Allah, other than whom there is no deity, the Sovereign, the Pure, the Perfection, the Bestower of Faith, the Overseer, the Exalted in Might, the Compeller, the Superior 59:23. Al Aziz is present ninety-two times in the Quran and it is present in Surah AL-BAQARA.

AL-JABBAR: The Compeller

one of from 99 Names Allah. Arabic Asmaul husna, Al-Jabbar or the compeller

Detailed meaning:  The name next to ALLAH is Jabbar. This name might sound a little harsh but it is not. This name indicates that He is the one whose decree is certain. He is the one who has hold of it all. He is the one without whose permission nothing happens.

Reference from Quran: He is Allah, other than whom there is no deity, the Sovereign, the Pure, the Perfection, the Bestower of Faith, the Overseer (dominant), the Exalted in Might, the Compeller, the Superior 59:23. Al-Jabbar is present only once in Quran. You will find this name in Surah Al-hashr.


Detailed meaning: The next name for Him is Al-mutaqabbir. The name Mutaqabbir means that He is the one who is supreme. There is no one who should be called by this beautiful name except Allah. There is only one supreme power and that is Him. Anything and anybody other than him cannot be known with this name.

Reference from Quran: He is Allah, other than whom there is no deity, the Sovereign, the Pure, the Perfection, the Bestower of Faith, the Overseer, the Exalted in Might, the Compeller, the Superior (justly proud) 59:23. This name is only present once in the Holy Quran and it comes in the Surah Al-Hashr.

AL-KHAALIQ: The Creator

Detailed meaning: The name Al-khaaliq indicates the beauty of our Lord. The name Al-khaaliq tells us that He is the creator of everything. He is the one who has created this world and the hereafter. He is the one who has made everything to perfection. He is the one who also creates everything inside you.

Reference from Quran: He is Allah , the Creator, the Inventor, the Fashioner 59:24. The name Al-khaaliq is present 8 times in the Holy Quran.

AL-BAARI: The Evolver 

Detailed meaning: The name Al-Baari has somewhat the same meaning as Khaaliq. This name also means that He is the one who has created everything. He is the one who has built everything from scratch. He is the only one who has the power to make anything He wants.

Reference from Quran: He is Allah , the Creator, the Inventor (originator), the Fashioner 59:24. Al-Baari is present three times in Quran. This is the name present in Surah-Al Hashr.

AL-MUSAWWIR: The Fashioner

Detailed meaning: We know that The lord of everything has the power to fashion everything too. this name Al-MUSAWWIR indicates that He is the one who can fashion everything into anything He wants. He is the one who has designed everything so perfectly and the one who has the power to design anything.

Reference from Quran: He is Allah , the Creator, the Inventor, the Fashioner (bestower of forms) 59:24. This name is only present once in Surah Hashr in the Holy Quran.

AL-GHAFFAR: The Forgiver

Detailed meaning: The name Al Ghaffar tells us that Allah is the one who is always willing to forgive. It tells us that if you ask for forgiveness from your heart He will surely forgive you.

Reference from Quran: the Exalted in Might, the Perpetual Forgiver. 38:66. This name is present 97 times in Quran. It is present in a lot of different Surahs.

AL-QAHAR: The All Prevailing

Detailed meaning: The name Al-Qahaar is the name that tells us that He is the irresistible one. He is one who has everyone humbled in front of Him. He is the only one prevailing in front of all of His creations. He is the one who everyone has to submit to.

Reference from Quran: He is Allah , the One, the Prevailing 39:4. The name Qahaar is present about 6 times in Quran. This name is present in surah Al-inaam.

AL-WAHAB: The Supreme Bestower

Detailed meaning: Allah is always giving to people so most of His names mean this. Wahab is the name that also indicates that He is the most giving towards His creations.

Reference from Quran: Indeed, You are the Bestower 3:8. the name Wahab is present three times in Quran. You can find this name in Surah Saad.

AL-RAZZAQ: The Provider

Detailed meaning: With everything else we know that He is the one who is the provider of everything. He is the one who can give us everything that we require. He is the one who has the power to fulfill our needs and demands. This name indicates that He is the one who can grant us all our wishes.

Reference from Quran: Indeed, it is Allah who is the Provider, the firm possessor of strength 51:58. the name AL-RAZZAQ is only present once in Quran in surah Dhaariyat.

AL-FATTAH: The Solver

Detailed meaning: The name Al-Fattah tells us that He is the one who is the problem solver.

This is the name that tells us that every time we fall into the pit of problems we should always seek help from Him. He is the one who can guarantees us the solutions.

Reference from Quran: And He is the Knowing Judge (Arbiter). 34:26. This name is present once in Quran in Surah Saba.

AL-ALEEM: The All Knowing

Detailed meaning: The name Al-Aleem tells us that Allah is the one who has all the information. He knows all that is happening and all that you are hiding from Him. He is the one who you can find nothing from.

Reference from Quran: Knower of the unseen and the witnessed, the Exalted in Might, the Wise 64:18. This name is present more than 150 times in Quran. This name is paired with other words in Quran.

AL-QAABIZ: The Withholder

AL-BASIT: The Extender

Detailed meaning: The next two names that we are going to learn are again the opposite of each other. The name Qabiz tells us that Allah is the one whose hold is on everything. He is the one who can stop everything while on the other hand Basit is the opposite. The name Basit tells us that He is the one who can make things flow. He is the one who can continue whatever He chooses to.

Reference from Quran: These are the two names that are not present in the Holy Quran but have their presence in Hadith.

AL-KHAAFIDH: The Reducer

AL-RAFI: The Exalter

Detailed meaning: Al-KHAAFIDH and Al-RAFI these two names of ALLAH tell us that He is the one who has all the control in reducing anything He wants. If He wishes to decrease things He can do it in no time and with that if He wants He can raise it all for you too.

Reference from Quran: these names are not present in Holy Quran.

AL-MUIZ: The Honourer

AL-MUZZIL: The Dishonourer

Detailed meaning: the name Al Muiz tells us that He is the one who can bestow blessings on anyone He wants. He is the one who can honor people if he wills to. While on the other hand, He is also Al Muzzil which means if He wants He can also dishonor you. These names clearly tell us that He has the hold over all the honor and dishonor of the world.

Reference from Quran: These names again do not appear in the Holy Quran.

AL-SAMEE: The All-Hearing

Detailed meaning: The name Al-Samee is there for Allah because He is the one who listens to everything His slaves have to say. He listens to you to all your demands and desires even if you do not say them.

Reference from Quran: Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Seeing 17:1. this name has occurred 45 times in Quran. This name can be seen in Surah Ash-shoora in Quran.

AL-BASEER: The All-seeing

AL-RAQEEB: The Watchful

Detailed meaning: Just like how Allah is all-hearing, He is also all-seeing. This means that He sees everything. All the things that you do in dark or in the light. He can also see you through your soul because He is all-seeing. This is what these names mean.

Reference from Quran: Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Seeing. 17:1. The name Baseer is present 42 times in Quran. but when You took me up, You were the Observer over them 5:117. Raqeeb is present 3 times. You can find Baseer in Surah Ash Shoora and Raqeeb in Surah Ahzaab.

AL-HAKAM: The Impartial Judge

AL-ADAL: The Just

AL-MUQSIT: The just

Detailed meaning: the next three names of our Lord are HAKAM and ADAL and Muqsit. These are the names that tell us that He is the one who has always been the most just judge. He is the one who does not be unfair in anything. He is the one who always is fair and does equity. He is always the one who does justice to everyone.

Reference from Quran: The name Hakam is present once in Quran in Surah Anaam.

AL-LATEEF: The Subtle One

Detailed meaning: For the next name we are going to be talking about Al-Lateef. This name means that He is the one who has the knowledge of every single thing above and below. This name also shows His mercy towards His creation.

Reference from Quran: Indeed, Allah is Subtle and Acquainted. 22:63. The name Al-Lateef is present seven times in Quran. This name is present in Surah Al-inaam.

AL-KHABEER: The All-Aware

Detailed meaning: Al-Khabeer is the name that indicates that there is nothing in the world that you can hide from Him. He is the one who is aware of everything inside your heart and outside your body. He is the one that you cannot keep hidden anything from. He is the one who is all-knowing and fully aware of it all.

Reference from Quran: Indeed, Allah is Subtle and Acquainted. 22:63. AL-khabeer is present 45 times in the Quran and it is in the Surah At-tahreem.

AL-HALEEM: The Most Forbearing

Detailed meaning: the next name of our Lord is Haleem. This name is the most beautiful name because it indicates the most beautiful quality of Allah. This name means that He is the one who is always so patient towards His creation. He forgives his slaves and does not Punish them for nothing.

Reference from Quran: Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Forbearing 3:155. the name is present eleven times in the Holy Quran. This name is present in Surah al Imran.

AL-AZEEM: The Magnificent

Detailed meaning: Al-Azeem is the name that indicates He has all the glory and greatness in His attributes. He is the tremendous one in His existence. Not even a single of His creation deserves to be dignified with anything. He is the only supreme and the Majestic.

Reference from Quran: And He is the Most High, the Most Great 2:255. the name Al-Azeem is present nine times in Quran. This name is present in Surah Al-baqarah in Quran.

AL-GHAFOOR: The Great Forgiver

Detailed meaning: the name Ghafoor again indicates the quality that Allah is the most forgiving. This name tells us that He is the one who always is kind to His creation.

Reference from Quran: Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Forbearing 3:155. Al Ghafoor is present 91 times in the Quran and it. This name of Allah is present in Surah As-shoora.

AL-SHAKOOR: The Most Appreciative

Detailed meaning: then indeed, Allah is appreciative (Grateful) and Knowing. 2:158. The name Al-Shakoor is used for Allah because He is the one who is always rewarding and blessing His people. He is the one who is pleased by His creations and helps them everywhere.

Reference from Quran: This name is present 4 times in Quran. You can find this name in Surah Baqarah.

AL-ALEE: The Highest

Detailed meaning: The name AL Alee tells us that He is the one who has good control over all the world. He is the one who is the highest of all. He is the one who is above everything in the world. This name tells us that nobody and nothing can exceed Him.

Reference from Quran: And He is the Most High (Sublime), the Most Great. 2:255.

AL-KABEER: The Great

Detailed meaning: Al-Kabeer is the next name that means The Great. Now we know that greatness is only meant to be associated with our Lord. He is the one who needs to be known for His greatness. He is the one who is the most magnificent in all his actions and attributes.

Reference from Quran:   Knower of the unseen and the witnessed, the Grand, the Exalted (supreme) 13:9. Al Kabeer is the name present six times in Holy Quran. This name is present in Surah Ar-Ra’ad.

AL-HAFEEDH: The Preserver

Detailed meaning: The next name which is Al-Hafeedh indicates that Allah is the only Guardian of all his people. He is the only one who protects the believers in this world as well as in the hereafter. He is the one who can guard His people from Satan and from committing sins.

Reference from Quran: And your Lord, over all things, is Guardian (Preserver) 34:21. this is the name that has occurred three times in the Holy Quran. It is present in Surat Yusuf as well as Surah Hud.

AL-MUQEET: The Sustainer

Detailed meaning: AL-Muqeet is the name that means Allah is the one who has the power over everything. He is the one with so much knowledge. He is the one who bestows all the blessings on His creatures.

Reference from Quran: And ever is Allah , over all things, a Keeper (Supreme Nourisher/overseer) 4:85. This name is present once in Quran in Surah An Nisaa.

AL-HASEEB: The Reckoner

Detailed meaning: The name Haseeb indicates that Allah is the one who is sufficient for everyone. He is the one that you require and you do not need anybody else.

Reference from Quran: Indeed, Allah is ever, over all things, an Accountant (Ever-Reckoner). 4:86. The name AL-Haseeb is present 3 times in Quran and it is present in Surah An Nisa.

AL-JALEEL: The Majestic

Detailed meaning: Al-Jaleel is the name of Allah that tells us that He is the one who deserves all the honor and devotion. He is the one who has all the majesty and power.

Reference from Quran: this name is present in Quran and can be found in different surahs.

AL-KAREEM: The Most Esteemed

Detailed meaning: The name for Allah is AL-Kareem which means that He is the one who gives his people abundantly. This also means that He always benefits His own people. He always bestows immense blessings on His people no matter what.

Reference from Quran: O mankind, what has deceived you concerning your Lord, the Generous, 82:6. Al Kareem is present three times in Quran. This name can easily be found in Surah Al-infitaar.

AL-MUJEEB: The Responsive One

Detailed meaningAl Mujeeb is one really beautiful name of Allah that ensures that He is always responsive towards us. He is the one who will always respond to our prayers and wishes.

Reference from Quran: Indeed, my Lord is near and responsive 11:61,.The name Al-Mujeeb is present once in Quran. This name is present in Surah Hud.

AL-WASI: The Encompassing

Detailed meaning: The next name that we are going to talk about is Al-Wasi. This is the name that tells us that He is the one who embraces everything. He is the one who has praised Himself the most. He is the one who is boundless. This is the name that means everything is bound to His choice and mercy.

Reference from Quran: Indeed, Allah is all-Encompassing (all-prevading) and Knowing 2:115. AL-waasi is present nine times in Quran. This name is present in Surah Al Baqarah.

AL-HAKEEM: The All Wise

Detailed meaning: The next name to be discussed is Al-Hakeem. This beautiful name of our Lord means that He is the one who has all the wisdom. He is the one who is bound to give us punishment and reward on the final day. He is the one who has made everything with perfection. Whatever He creates does not go in vain.

Reference from Quran: And He is the subjugator over His servants. And He is the Wise, the Acquainted 6:18. Al-Hakeem is the name that is present in Quran 91 times. You can find this name in Surah Ibraheem.

AL-WADUD: The Most Loving

Detailed meaning: For the next name we are going to be talking about Al-Wadud. The name Wadud means He is the one who is always the most loving. He is the one who loves His creations beyond everything. He is the one who loves all of His creations equally and immensely. He is known for loving His creation more than 70 times more than a mother.

Reference from Quran: my Lord is Merciful and Affectionate (loving). 11:90. this name has occurred twice in the Holy Quran. You can find this beautiful name in Surah Al-hud.

AL-MAJEED: The Glorious

Detailed meaning: The next name of Allah is AL-majeed. The name Al-Majeed indicates the gloriousness of the Lord of everything. He is the one who is perfect in all His traits and qualities. He is the one who has all the glory. This name also indicates that His glory is boundless. He is the greatest one and He is the one that glorifies everything.

Reference from Quran: Honorable (glorious) Owner of the Throne 85:15. the name Al-Majeed is present twice in the Quran. This name is present in Surah Hud in Quran.

AL-BAI’SU: The Infuser of Life

Detailed meaning: The name AL baaisu tells us that He is the one who can give life to the dead. He is the one who has the power of increasing or decreasing our life. He is the one to decide how long are we going to live.

Reference from Quran: This name is not present in Quran.

AL-SHAHEED: The All Observing

Detailed meaning: the next name for Allah is Al-Shaheed. This means that He is the one who knows every single detail of your life as He is observing. He is the one who knows even how much the atom weighs. He is the witness of all that is happening in the world and the hereafter.

Reference from Quran: and You are, over all things, Witness 5:117. This name is present 18 times in Quran. This name is present in Surah Nisa in Quran.

AL-HAQ: The Absolute Truth

Detailed meaning: The name next to Allah is the Haq. This is one of our favorite names for ALLAH. This is the name that indicated that He is the only absolute truth. This indicates that everything other than Him has to go but He is the one who will remain. This means that He is the King of everything i.e. the world and the hereafter.

Reference from Quran: it is Allah who is the perfect in justice 24:25. Al-haqq is the name that is present 10 times in the Holy Quran. This is present in the Surah Muminoon.

AL-WAQEEL: The Trustee

Detailed meaning: The next name of Allah is Al-wakeel. This is the name that tells us He is the only one who is the disposer of all our affairs. He is the one who shows us the right path and guides us toward the right path. He is the one who grants all of our requests and answers all our prayers.

Reference from Quran: and He is, over all things, Disposer of affairs (Trustee) 39:62.  Al Waqeel is present 14 times in the Quran. You can find this name in Surah Nisa in Quran.

AL-QAWIYY: The Strong

Detailed meaning: The next name of Our Lord is Qawiyy. This is the name that tells us that He is the one who is the strongest of all. He is the one who can never be overpowered no matter what. He is the one whose decree eventually takes place. This name tells us that He is the one who has all the power and whose power can never be undermined.

Reference from Quran: Indeed, it is your Lord who is the Powerful, the Exalted in Might. 11:66. Qawiyy is present nine times in the Holy Quran. This name is present in Surah ash-shoora.

AL-MATEEN: The Steadfast

Detailed meaning: The next name that needs to be known of our lord is Al-Mateen. This name indicates that He is the one who has all the strength and the power of everything. He is the one who never endures any weariness or hardships.

Reference from Quran: Indeed, it is Allah who is the Provider, the firm possessor of strength 51:58. Al-Mateen is only present once in the Holy Quran and it is in Surah adh-dhaariyaat.

AL-WALIY: The Protecting Associate

Detailed meaning: This name of ALLAH tells us that He is the one who is managing all the affairs of His people. He is the one who has created everything and is also the Ruler of everything. It tells us that He is also the master and the one who deserved to be worshipped.

Reference from Quran: He is the Protector (Guardian), and He gives life to the dead 42:9. Al-wali is present fifteen times in the Holy Quran. It is present in Surah Anfaal and Surah Ash-shoora.

AL-HAMEED: The Praiseworthy

Detailed meaning: for the next name we are going to mention the name Al-Hameed. This name is the one that tells us that He is the only one who is praiseworthy. This name tells us that He is the one who deserves to be appreciated all the time and He is the one who we praise all the time. He is the only one who deserves to be prayed for.

Reference from Quran: indeed, Allah is the Free of need, the Praiseworthy 57:24. Al-Hameed is the name that is present 17 times in Quran. This name is present in Surah Hud.

AL-MUHSEE: The Counter

AL-MUBDEE: The Initiator

Detailed meaning: AL-MUHSEE and AL-MUBDEE these two names have confusion over their presence at so there are no details available for them

AL-MUEED: The Restorer

Detailed meaning: The name AL-Mueed is the one name that indicates that He is the one who can restore anything He wills. He is the one who is capable of restoring anything that He wishes. This also tells He is the one who will restore the world when it ends and the people after they are dead.

Reference from Quran: This name is not present in Quran.

AL-MUHYI: The Giver of Life.

AL-MUMEET: The Creator of Death

Detailed meaning: The two names Muhyi and Mubdi are two opposite names of Allah. One name tells us that Allah is the one who can give you life. He is the one who can increase it if he wants. On the other hand, the second name tells us that He is the one who can also create death. He is the one who can decrease your life if He wills.

Reference from Quran: These names are not present in the Holy Quran.

AL-HAYY: The Ever-Living

Detailed meaning: The next name of Allah is Hayy. This is the name that tells us that Allah is the only one who will remain till the end. It tells us that everything else has to disappear except Him. He is our Lord and the one who cannot ever die. He with all His qualities remain when everything else will end.

Reference from Quran: Allah – there is no deity except Him, the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of existence 2:255. This name is present five times in Quran. This name specifically is present in Surah Ab Baqara.

AL-QAYYUM: The Sustainer

Detailed meaning: The next name is Qayyum which is the next part of the name Hayy. This name means that Allah is the one who is sufficient for everybody. It says that everything that is present in the world is only present because of Him. It also indicates that we only depend on Him and He is free from all dependency.

Reference from Quran: Allah – there is no deity except Him, the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of existence 2:255. This name is present three times in Quran. You will find it in Surah Baqrah.

AL-WAAJID: The Perceiver

Detailed meaning: The name Al-Waajid tells us that ALLAH is the one who nothing can escape from. He is the one who can perceive anything and nothing can be more perfect than Him.

Reference from Quran: This name is not mentioned in the Quran.

AL-MAAJID: The Illustrious


Detailed meaning: The name Al Maajid and Zul jalal e wal ikram tell us that Allah is the one who is the most glorious as well as the most honorable. He is the one who is the most deserving of the honor. He is the one who deserves to be known by His glory.

Reference from Quran: The name maajid is present two times in the Quran.


AL-AHAD: The Only One

Detailed meaning: Now, the two names of Allah which are Ahad and Wahid mean the same. These are the two names that indicate that Allah is the only one. He has always been the only one and He will always remain the only one. This also states that Allah is Unique in all of His attributes. These names also indicate that only He deserves to be prayed for.

Reference from Quran: “Say, “He is Allah , One” 112.1. The name AL-Wahid is present 22 times in Quran and Ahad is only present once. These names are present in Surah Ra’ad, and Surah Al-Ikhlaq respectively.

AL-SAMAD: The Eternal

Detailed meaning: The next name that we are going to talk about is about the eternity of our lord. He is the one who has to remain forever and He is the one who is going to stay. He is the one who we have to turn to every time we need something. It is only He who has to remain.

Reference from Quran: Allah , the Eternal Refuge 112:2. the name Samad is present once in Surah Al-ikhlaas in Holy Quran.

AL-QADEER: The Omnipotent One

Detailed meaning: For the next name we are going to mention the name Al-Qadeer. This is the name that tells us that He is perfect in all His qualities. He is the one who has power and decree over everything. He is the one who is complete and completely perfect.

Reference from Quran: Say, “He is the Able to send upon you affliction from above you or from beneath your feet 6:65. This name is present 45 times in Quran. This is present in Surah Al-Qamar.

AL-MUQTADIR: The Powerful

Detailed meaning: The name Muqtadir is the name that tells us He is the one who is perfect in all his abilities. He is the one whose attributes are free from all imperfections. He is the one who has the power over everything and all his power is also perfect.

Reference from Quran: And Allah is ever, over all things, Perfect in Ability (Omnipotent). 18:45. The name Muqtadir is present four times in Quran. You will find this name in Surah Al-baqarah in Quran.

AL-MUQADDIM: The Promoter

AL-MUAKKHIR: The Delayer

Detailed meaning: The name Muqaddim and Muakhir again describes two different qualities of Allah. Muqaddim tells us that ALLAH is the one who can promote anything He wants. He is the one who can take your matters further. While the name Muakkhir means that He is also the one who can delay your matters If He wants. He is the one who has the power to stop or continue whatever he wants.

Reference from Quran: These two names are not present in the Holy Quran but can be found in Hadith.

AL-AWAL: The First

AL-AKHIR: The Last

Detailed meaning: The next two names of Allah are Awal and Aakhir. These two names indicate that Allah is the one from whom everything begins and the one on whom everything will end. This means that before Him there was nothing. There will also be nothing after our Lord.

Reference from Quran: He is the First and the Last, the Ascendant and the Intimate, and He is, of all things, Knowing.” 57:3. These names are both present once in Holy Quran in the Surah Hadeed.

AL-ZAHIR: The Manifest

AL-BATIN: The Hidden

Detailed meaning: The names for Allah next are Zahir and Baatin. These two names are the opposite of each other. Zahir indicates that He is the one who is above everything. He is the one who shows when nothing else does. The name Baatin indicated that He is there even when we are unable to see Him.

Reference from Quran: “He is the First and the Last, the Ascendant and the Intimate, and He is, of all things, Knowing.” 57:3. Both the names are only present once in the Quran. You will be able to find these names in Surah Hadeed.

AL-WAALI: The Sole Governor

Detailed meaning: The name Al Waali tells us that Allah is the one who can govern anything. He is the one who has hold of everything. This name tells us that nothing happens without his permission or decree.

Reference from Quran: This name is not present in Quran Pak.

AL-MUTAALI: The Self-Exalted

Detailed meaning: The name Mutaal is again one of the most beautiful names of Allah. This name means that He is the one with absolute highness. He is the one who is High in all his regards. He is above every creation of His and the absolute commander who is in control of everything.

Reference from Quran: Knower of the unseen and the witnessed, the Grand, the Exalted (supreme)13:9. Mutaal is present once in Quran. This is present in Surah Ar-raad in Quran.

AL-BARR: The Source of Goodness

Detailed meaning: The name Barr is one of the shortest names of Allah. This name means that Allah is the one who is always the source of all the good things. There are no bad things coming from Him. He is the one filled with all the goodness that there can be.

Reference from Quran: Indeed, it is He who is the Beneficent (Most Kind), the Merciful 52:28. this name is present once in Quran in Surah Tur.

AL-MUNTAQIM: The Avenger

Detailed meaning: The name MUNTAQIM tells us that HE is the one who has the ability to punish His enemies. If He wills he can be victorious over all the people for their sins. He is also the one who is always the most patient.

Reference from Quran: This name is present quite a few times in Quran.

AL-AFFUWUN: The Pardoner

AL-TAWWABUL: The Ever-Pardoning

Detailed meaning: The names Affuwun Tawwabul of Allah indicate His quality of forgiving His people. It tells us that He is the kindest and the most forgiving ever.

Reference from Quran: indeed, it is He who is the Accepting of repentance, the Merciful.” 2:37. Affuwun is present five times in the Holy Quran. This name is present in Surah An-Nisaa. Tawwab is present 11 times in Quran. You can find it in Surah Hujuraat.

AL-RAOOF: The Most Kind

Detailed meaning: The name Raoof is known to be the one who our Lord is known for. For always being the kindest towards all of his creations. He is the one who is always the most loving and compassionate towards all His creations. He is the one with the highest form of mercy. He is the one who bestows everything upon His creations.

Reference from Quran: and because Allah is Kind and Merciful. 24:20. This name is present 10 times in Quran and is present in Surah Baqarah.

AL-JAAMI: The Gatherer

Detailed meaning: Al Jaami is the name of Allah which says that He is the one who has the ability to gather whatever He wills to. He is the one who can collect anything that He wants.

Reference from Quran: This name is not present in Quran.

AL-GHANIYY: The Self-Sufficient

Detailed meaning: this is the name that indicates that He is the one who does not need anyone rather we are all in need of Him. He is the one who all of them require.

Reference from Quran: indeed, Allah is the Free of need (Self Sufficient), the Praiseworthy. 57:24. The name Ghani is present 18 times in the Quran. You can find this name in Surah Younus.

AL-MUGHNINYU: The Enricher.

Detailed meaning: the name Mughniyu indicates that Allah is the one who has the ability to give everyone everything in abundance. He is the one who is able to provide everyone with everything they require or need.

Reference from Quran: this name is not present in the Holy Quran.

AL-MANI: The Withholder

Detailed meaning:  The name Mani is one name similar to the other name of Allah which is al Qabiz. The name also means that He is able to hold everything He wants. He is the one who can stop whatever He wishes to.

Reference from Quran: there is confusion regarding this name. some scholars believe this name exists while others say it is not there.

AL-DHARR: The Distresser

Detailed meaning: This name again has confusion if it is one of the names of Allah or not. There is not much detail regarding this name.

AL-NAFI: The Benefactor

Detailed meaning: The name Nafi says that Allah is the one who is always benefitting His creation. He is the one who is always concerned out of love for His creations.

Reference from Quran: This name again is not present in the Holy Quran.

AL-NUR: The Light

Detailed meaning: We all know that Allah is the one who is full of light. This name also means that he is the one who can bring light into your life. He is the one who always blesses people with light and fills them with it if He wills to. His light is the one that reveals as well as clarifies.

Reference from Quran: this name comes 49 times in the Holy Quran. This is also one of the names of Surahs in the Quran.

AL-HAADI: The Guide

Detailed meaning: The name Haadi tells us that He is the one who guides us through everything. He is the one who tells us everything about Himself. He is the one who has the power to guide us toward all the small and big affairs in our lives.

Reference from Quran: Al-Haadi is present in the holy Quran twice in Surah AL-furqaan.

AL-BADI: The Incomparable

Detailed meaning: the name Al-Badi is present as the one who is the initiator and creator of everything. He is the one who begins everything and He is the one who has power over it all.

Reference from Quran: This name is present twice in the Quran.

AL-BAKI: The Everlasting

Detailed meaning: The name Baaki tells us that HE is the one who will remain when nothing 

else will. He was always there before the existence of this world and He will be here after the world will end.

Reference from Quran: the name Baaki is not present in Quran.


Detailed meaning: The next beautiful name of Allah tala is Al waaris. This name gives you the guarantee that He is the one who is the Heir of everything. He is the one who has hold over everything. This name also means that once the world will end He will have possession of everything. This name also means that it is His choice to give whatever to His creation.

Reference from Quran: And indeed, it is We who give life and cause death, and We are the Inheritor. 15:23. Al-waarisu is present three times in the Holy Quran. This name is present in the Surah Hijr in Quran.


Detailed meaning: About the name Al-Rasheed there is confusion. Some people say it is the name of Allah while on the other hand, some say it was mentioned in neither Quran nor Sunnah.

Reference from Quran: This name is not present in Quran.

AL-SABOOR: The Patient

Detailed meaning: The name Al Saboor is the name of Allah which means that He is always so patient with all our mistakes. He is the one whose kindness shows through all of His names. He is the one who is always patient with His creations.

Reference from Quran: The name of Allah is not present in the Quran.

Also, if you do not know already the 99 names of Allah are also called Asma Ul Husna in Arabic.

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