There are a lot of things that we are concerned about when the baby is born. The first thing is to think of choosing the name for them. For that, we can easily search for the top 100 baby names.

One thing that we do not focus too much on is telling our kids the importance of books. In this article, we are going to tell you about some of the books that you can read out to your kids or make them read.
Don’t touch the button:

Author: Bill cotter.
Book information: This book is loved by 86% of people according to Google books. The rating of this book is 4.3.
The first book that we are going to talk about is named don’t touch the buttons and it is a very fun book to read out to your kids.
Now, this is a book which is filled with a lot of colors and with the character present inside it called the monster is very funny to read.
Your kids will surely create a lot of imaginary scenarios in their heads and will have so much fun reading this book.
Love you forever:

Author: Robert Munsch.
Book information: According to Google the rating of this book is 4.5. This book was first published in 1986.
There are some books that are actually very close to your heart and you just love to have them. This book named love you forever is one of those books.
This is a book that is based on a mother and a son. In this book, the mother tells her son how much she loves him and how she is going to love him till the end of life.
This is a very beautiful book to be taught to your sons.
The hungry caterpillar:

Author: Eric Carle.
Book information: The rating of this book on Google is 4.4. This book was published in 1969.
Coming to the next book that again is very popular among kids is called the hungry caterpillar.
In this book, just as the name states the caterpillar is hungry and he constantly keeps eating through the week.
There recently has been the 25th version of this book launched. This book will make to be a very fun bedtime story for your baby boys.
Also, if you are somebody who wants to teach history to your kids, you can look for the top 10 best history channels on YouTube for kids.
Pink is for boys:

Author: Robb Pearlman.
Book information: The rating of this book on Google is 4.5. This is the book that was published in 2018.
Now there are always some books that teach you amazing lessons and things that you want to teach your kids.
We know there is a stigma attached to the color pink that it is specified for the girls only, and that is exactly what this book breaks.
This is the book that will break all the stereotypes and teaches the kids that they can choose to do whatever they love doing, regardless of what people say.
The book with no pictures:

Author: B.J. Novak.
Book information: The rating of this book on Google is 4.4 and this book was first published in 2014.
The next book is known to be one of the most different yet very popular books named as the book with no pictures.
It might seem boring to know about but it is the exact opposite. It needs to be read aloud and with that, you, along with your kids can enjoy the overall experience.
Through this book, you can easily teach a lot of different sounds to your kid and they will have so much fun reading it.
Things that go:

Author: Neiko NG.
Book information: The rating of this book is not present on Google. The publishing date of this book is 2016.
This book called things that go is a perfect to read book for those boys who specifically love vehicles so much. We know that boys tend to love vehicles so you can choose this book for sure.
This is the book that has a lot of different vehicles inside this book like trains, plains, trucks, etc. there are different tabbed pages through which you can find different adventurous things on it.
The first book of planets:

Author: Bruce Betts.
Book information: The rating of this book on Google is 4.4. This book was published in 2020.
Coming to the next book in this article, this again is a very fun book to read. Just as you must have guessed by the name, this book is all about solar systems.
If your baby boy is interested in reading things about the solar system then this is a perfect choice for you to make them read.
This book will tell them everything about the planets and the other things related to the solar system. Grab it for your little baby boy.
ABC science book:

Author: Anjali Joshi.
Book information: The rating is not available for this book. This book was published in the year 2020.
The book that we think is very knowledgeable and through which you can teach your kid a lot of things is this book named ABC science book.
There are a lot of parents who are keen to teach their kids science from a very young age and this book is perfect for such parents.
This book teaches you a lot from science to astronauts, to zoology. This is definitely a book that you should get for your kid.
If you are also looking for things to be watched on TV you can look for the top 10 best TV channels for kids and teens.
Baby faces:

Author: DK.
Book information: This book was published in 1998.
If you are a new parent and your kid is just starting to learn new things or read new things and he is starting to understand everything then this book is a good choice for them.
This book named the babyfaces will teach your kid about a lot of different experiences like kissing, hugging, etc.
Not just that but this is the book that also teaches your kids about a lot of different body colors and through this you can teach them the love for each race.
My first book of feminism:

Author: Julie Merberg.
Book information: The rating of this book is 4.2. The publishing date of this book is 2018.
The last book that we are going to talk about is the book named my first book of feminism. This is an important book for your kids to read.
This is the book that will help you teach your kid about how to respect women from the starting of their lives. This book is full of rhymes too so they will not be bored at all.
This book is perfect for boys aged 0-3. This book will tell your kids that boys and girls are equal and should be given equal rights too.
It will definitely be a win-win situation for you and your kid so teach them this for sure.