Religious names have been part of the culture of many families as they reflect identity and faith throughout countless generations. In addition to the typical Mary, Jesus, and Joseph, the Bible and other holy books contain powerful alternatives that will pay homage to your beliefs.
However, you don’t have to be from one religion or another to choose any of these names. The advantage is that most are easy to pronounce in both English and Spanish, can be combined with more elaborate middle names, and, perhaps most importantly, have a meaning that will mark your child’s character for life if you are searching for a christian baby names for your newborn babies. In this article, I’ll try to give information about this topic. So, Let’s get started.
Most beautiful 15+ christian baby names and their meaning
- Andra: An unknown form of the name Andrea, is Andra. This Christian name for girls is best known for the Apostle Andrew from the New Testament.
- Benita: Benita is a Christian maiden name that goes back to St. Benedict. Benita translated as “the kind” or “the blessed.”
- Candela: Maria Lichtmess celebrated on the 40th day after Christmas. This festival commemorated the birth of Jesus and introduced as early as the fourth century AD. The name Candela goes back to that and means “candle.”
- Christina: A Christian name for girls who will never go out of style is Christina. That name is the feminine form of the name Christian, which refers directly to Christ. Christina also translated as “die Christin.
- Dorothea: Saint Dorothea lived in the 3rd century AD and revered in her role as a Christian virgin and martyr. According to legend, she rejected a wealthy city keeper who was a pagan to surrender to the Christian faith entirely. Because of this decision, she was beheaded and later canonized by the Catholic Church.
- Eva: A well-known biblical name that comes from the Old Testament: Eva. The name comes from the Hebrew word “Chawwah,” which means “mother of the living.”
- Elisabeth: Elisabeth of Thuringia was a landgrave who especially revered for her Christian charity. She lived in the 13th century and is the patron saint of the state of Thuringia. Her Christian first name means “God swears” and comes from Hebrew.
- Fedora: Less known, but a beautiful Christian name for girls is Fedora, which goes back to Theodor’s first name. Saint Theodore played an essential role in the persecution of Christians in the Middle Ages as a faithful Catholic who died martyred.
- Hulda: St. Hulda was a Catholic living around AD AD 620, who acted primarily as a prophet and spread the Christian faith. Her name is of German origin and means “die Holde.”
- Joscheba: This Christian name for girls, goes back to a woman who was born in the 9th century BC. Chr. Took risks to defend their faith. Translated from Hebrew, Joscheba means “Yahweh has sworn.”
- Clare: Clare of Assisi is less well known in Christian history. Like Francis of Assisi, she was the founder of the order and worked closely with him. Klara is a popular Christian name for girls and translates from Latin “the shining.”
- Lea: Lea is known as Jacob’s wife from the book of Genesis, but above all, as Saint Lea of Rome. Lea of Rome was the patron saint of widows and was known as a wealthy benefactor for the Catholic Church in the Middle Ages. The name Lea is Hebrew and can mean “God is strong.”
- Maria: The most well-known Christian name for girls is Maria. As the mother of God, she appears in the New Testament and remains in everyone’s memory as a holy virgin, loving mother and – literally translated – “the fertile.”
- Magdalena: Less popular, but all the more famous was Maria Magdalena. At first, she was known as the companion of Jesus and witness to his resurrection. In the Middle Ages, especially in sermons by Pope Gregory I, she was called a sinner, which permanently damaged her reputation. This Christian first name translated from Hebrew with “tower.”
- Rebekka: Rebekka is best known as the wife of Isaac and mother of Esau and Jakob from the Old Testament. This Christian name for girls comes from Hebrew and means “great patience.”
How to choose christian baby names
If the ultrasound has revealed the baby’s sex, it’s time to choose a name. You may not be clear where to start, as it is a great decision. There are names of children for all tastes: modern, Spanish, Galician, English, Biblical, and even rare, an infinite list of options! You can be inspired by the list of the best boy names. In this article, you can get 15+ beautiful Cristian names of babies.
Is a person’s name influence his/her personality?
According to some beliefs, the name of a person can influence the personality, if it is your belief too, then lean on the book of names and their meaning, so they will have an orientation when analyzing the names that are to their liking. Many web applications will make it easier for you to search for names, and you can consult it whenever you want.
They can take into account that if the family name is long, I suggest you choose a short name; if on the other hand, the last name is short, a long name will be a good option.
When they have chosen a name, they can write the first and last name together, to check that the full name looks good, without strange rhymes. I know these names are useful when you are choosing your baby’s name; after all, they are going to select a beautiful name that will represent him throughout his life. These are some names of boys and their meanings, there are many more, but these are the most special, however, do not hesitate to consult the name book, because the options of a name for your son are endless. If you have any proper names, you can suggest to us via email or comment on the blogsite.