Top 20 Flower Names For Girls with Meanings and Origin

After the birth of a baby, the parents are often looking for names that would look cute, are trendy, and are also unique.

For that, most of the parents look for things like the top 100 baby names. Even though we know it will give you some really nice name suggestions but you need to think ahead and look for new options.

So, for that, why not go and look for flower names for girls? For now, it might sound weird to you but as we will get into it you will find how amazing it is.


 The first flower name that we think you should give an option to is everyone’s favorite. This is the name that comes from a Latin origin. The meaning of this name is beautiful or deep. Some other variations for this name are rosemary and rosella.


The second name that we think would make for a really good flower girl name is lily. This is a very cute and short name that comes of English origin. The meaning of this name is innocent, the exact depiction of your daughter.


 The next flower that we are going to mention is not very popular but is definitely really unique. This flower’s name is Azalea coming from English origin again. The meaning of this name is literally flower. The pink color of this flower will definitely bloom your daughter’s personality.


Talking about the next flower it is one of the most famous flowers as well as cartoon character Jasmine from Alladin. This name comes from Persian origin and the meaning of this really cute name is fragrant or delicate. If you are looking for more such names then look for Top 50 cute baby girl names in 2022.


The next name that we are going to talk about again is one of the cutest flower names for girls because it is Erica. This name is of Latin origin and the meaning of this name is heather. This is also known to be the genus for so many plants.


Talking about the next name we would surely like to mention that this is one of the cutest names and also old school yet everyone’s favorite. The name violet means purple and it comes from Latin origin again.


With the word iris, you might only be able to think about the eye but that is not the only case because it also is a flower. Iris is a Greek name and it comes from the goddess of Greek. This name means majesty or power.


 If you are a parent who is looking for names more on the fun side then this will make for your best decision. The name poppy is very cute and it is coming of Greek origin. The meaning of this name is beauty.


The next flower girl name that we are going to talk about is again an old school name but is still loved by everybody around the world. The name daisy comes from the English background and it means day’s eye because it looks like the sun.


Heather is the next name that we are going to discuss now because we think that it is also very cute and can be selected. This comes from Persian origin and it means bringing life.


 The next name that can again be selected for your little angel is the name sage. This is the flower name that comes from a Latin origin and it means wise and appropriate. A good choice to make for your baby’s name.


Briony is the flower name that you might not have heard a lot about but is pretty unique and also very cute. This is the name that means to sprout. This name comes from a Latin origin. The other variation of this cute name is Brian.


This name that we are going to talk about now can only be selected if you want to make your daughter a fierce one. This is so because the name means thorny. This name again comes from Greek origin.


Talking about the next flower name it is one of the most different flower names for girls. Yes, we are talking about the name Arbor. The meaning of this name is the flowery tree. The name Arbor comes from a Latin origin.


The next name that we are going to talk about is one of our personal favorites. We are talking about the cutest name blossom. The name blossom means to bloom which is pretty obvious with the name itself. The name blossom comes from English origin.


 The next flower name that we are going to talk about is a really famous girl’s name as well. The name camellia means Kamel’s flower and it comes from the Greek background. For more Greek names you can look for beautiful and unique Greek names for girls.


Now, the name cinnamon must remind you of a brown powder but that is not the case because it is also the name of a flower. The name cinnamon comes from Persian origin and it means brown spice.


The next name that we are going to talk about does not need to have any introduction because the word flora itself reminds you of the flowers. The name flora comes from a Roman origin. This name means flowers and it has come from Roman origin.


 This name that we are going to mention now is again very unique and very beautiful. This name comes from the Latin background and in that language it means reed. It is definitely a good option for your little angels’ name.


 The last name in this list that we are going to talk about is the name, Leilani. The name Leilani again is very unique and rare. This name comes from Hawaiian origin, definitely so different. This name means heavenly flower.

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