There are a few things that go with you throughout your life. No matter what you do you are recognized by these things until you die. One such thing and the most important one is your name. Wherever you go the first that you are asked is your name. It holds great importance in everybody’s life because it is the depiction of your personality. Everybody is keen to find names that are suitable for their babies and are also somehow rare. We are going to be a suggestion you with top 25 Christian baby boy names that you can give your kid. These names are not only going to be unique but also eye-catching so you can choose them.
The first name that we are going to talk about is Apollo which is a very unique christen baby boy name. The name Apollos means youthful God and it is present in the second testament.
this name is one of the apostles of Jesus. This name means son of Talmai in the language Aramaic. This name is also registered as Nathaniel.
For the third name we are going to mention Cornelius. It was a Roman centurion who was the first one who converted. The meaning of this name is the beaming of the sun.
David is one name that you might have heard before. This name is associated with one of the most popular people. The meaning of this name is beloved.
The next name is Ebenzer which again is an extremely unique name. this name is slightly long but surely worth the effort. The meaning of this name is the rock of help.
Felix is again a nice and unique Christian baby name that would be appropriate for your baby boy. This name means prosperous.
when we are talking about unique names we can never miss the name Gaius. This is one of the top names among Christians. The name Gaius means I am glad. This name actually does make you glad.
The next name to be added to this list is Helek. This name comes naturally to your mouth with all its uniqueness. The name Helek means portion or smoothness.
Ishuah again is a beautiful and unique name that comes from Christian origin. The meaning of this name is self-satisfied.
if you are looking for a short name then you can go with the name Jada. This is a name that means wise. You can surely opt for this one name.
The next name is Korah which means icy. This is again a very unique name.
Luke is the variation of the name Lucious and it clearly means luminous. This name can also be perfect for the light of your life.
Talking about the top names we could not forget to mention Logan. This name means little hollow and is perfect for your baby boy. For more amazing names for your Christian babies, you can also look for the top 15+ Christian baby names and their beautiful meanings.
Micah comes with quite a few variations like Micha, mica, etc. The name Micah means someone who is like God.
The next name is Nahalal which is again a very unique name and catches the attention too. the meaning of the name Nahalal is bright or praised.
It is usually rare to find names with the alphabet O so we are going to suggest two. This name is derived from the Greek name ophalos. The meaning of this name is help.
the name Owen is again a small and unique name that you can surely choose for your boy. The meaning of this name is a young warrior.
Philemon is a great name if you are looking for unique and long names. The meaning of this name is affectionate or friendly.
The next name that we are going to talk about is Ramiah. This name means Jehovah is exalted. If you do not understand the meaning you can simply skip this name.
What you would be shocked to know is that Saul is the original version of the name Paul. Saul is the name that means demanded or asked for.
The name Sebestian means vulnerable. This surely is one of the most unique names from Christians for baby boys.
for the next name we are going to mention the name Tarsus which comes in the bible. The meaning of this name is feathered or winged.
if you are somebody who believes in only giving the shortest name to your kid then this one is perfect for you. Uel is one of the top Christian baby boy names that means will of God.
Vaniah is a name that is thought to be gender-neutral but is actually a male name. The meaning of this name is distress.
the name William also comes from German origin but is a Christian name. The meaning of the name William is resolute protection.
The name Zemira is also spelled or pronounced as Zemirah. The meaning of this name is a song or a melody. We know you must be in search of more amazing names and we are here for it. For some more suggestions, you can look at the what are the unique and prettiest names for Christian babies.
We know that it holds utmost importance in your life to choose the name that is worth it. Choosing a name that is appropriate in all ways possible is a tough job but you can make it easy by looking at these options. Some of the things that you need to look into when you are choosing a name for your baby are the meaning, pronunciation, and how unique it is. But while you choose a unique name for your baby make sure it is not super hard. Always try to choose options that are easy on the tongue and are also worth choosing.