As time passes and your kids are growing up you need to understand that they require different things to spend their time with.
Some of the kids like to watch cartoons, some want to play outside and make new friends, some of them show their interest in toys.
You need to deal with them according to how they are and you cannot just force them into one or the other thing.
In this article, we are going to be discussing one of the cartoons and their toys. We will tell you how your kids might be interested in watching them or playing with them.
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We will now discuss the cartoons and their toys.
Paw Patrol:
Paw patrol is basically the cartoons; these cartoons are a great mix of adventure, action, and comedy.
There are a lot of different characters that are involved in this storyline. They play their own roles and make the whole series an interesting one.
It is basically about the leader guy who has a crew of dogs that are involved in searching and rescuing.
Each dog in the story has his own skill and he does his job according to that. There is a pilot dog, a firefighter dog, and a police officer.
This is an extremely cute series of cartoons that you can definitely make your kids watch and we are sure they will not be bored.
We will now get to know about the toys of paw patrol for your kids. We will also get into the details of how these cartoons work.
The Pup Pad:
The first toy that we are going to talk about is the pup pad. This cartoon is the depiction of the bracelet that one of the characters wears to call other dogs in action.
This toy comes with six buttons on it and also has a toy card. These buttons correspond to each dog present in the cartoons.
When the kids press the buttons that are present on the toy they will be able to hear phrases. They will also be able to hear the storyline through this. For more toys search, you can look for the best baby toys.
Pups in Training:
This is the next type of toy that is present in the story of the paw patrol. There are three different levers that are present in the game.
Each person sitting in front of each level presses it to make the dogs reach the top and catch the bone or you can say the treat.
Out of all the three dogs, whoever catches the most treats is considered the winner at the end of the game.
If your kid is somebody who likes to compete and is interested in such things then this toy is a perfect choice.
Marshall the Dog:
The next character of this game is the dog marshall that is just as interesting as any other character present in the game.
He basically is the character that works as a fire-worker. He has a bag kind of part attached to his body that releases the fire out of it.
Not just that but the shape of his body has a firetruck that helps him in working. He saves people by working against the fire.
What kids need to do is to put the tile inside their mouth, he will say whatever is related to his character right away.
He will say things according to the rescue, search, and the music related to rescue. Your kids will definitely love it.
Mission Cruiser:
He is known to be the RV for the crew of paw patrol. When the kids press the button present on the toy the doors present on the side open.
When the doors open your kids will be able to see the three compartments that are present on the toy.
Through these compartments, your kid will be able to launch different types of missions. But for that, you will have to buy things separately.
This again is a part your kid will surely love. If you are also searching for good cartoons for your kid look for the top 10 best TV channels for kids and teens.
Don’t Drop The Chase:
The next part of the game is something you might have seen already. This is basically very similar to the game known as do not break the ice.
This is the part of the game where you will also be able to notice the attentiveness of your kid. In this part what your kid has to do is spin the spinner.
The dog present in the game sits on top of the ice block and is also inside the frame. Your kid will have to spin the spinner.
After spinning they will have to use the hammer so that he can break the right color block. The kid will have to choose the block rightly so that the whole thing does not collapse.
Rubble Mountain:
The last part that we are going to discuss this paw patrol toy is the rubble mountain that we suppose must be the favorite part of this game for your kid.
The rubble mountain is the type of toy that comes with an amazing zip-line and a spiral ramp. The dog worker plays his role in this part of the toy.
The dog will basically have a bulldozer attached to him that he will ride with. On the back of this bulldozer, he will have a dog that he rescued.
This part of the toy does not have any technical part but this is really fun for your kids because it is a recreation of one of the scenes.
This will definitely be your kids’ favorite part. Also, if you are looking to name the cartoons for your baby and looking for names you can search for the top 100 baby names. This again will be a fun activity for your kids.