What Does Jacob Mean For A Boy?

Names define us, our family history as well as our social status. A child of the royal family will not share the same name as the child living in a hut. This is the reason, naming of children is a very important topic in all religions, cultures, and traditions.

What does Jacob mean for a Boy

Names are given immense importance in the Bible. Christians think that giving Biblical names to their children is a very good way of connecting with God. There is no wrong in saying that Biblical names are a way to express solidity and communicate the message of God.

You can easily find Christian girl’s names by searching Christian baby names and their meaning on the internet. Going through the whole Bible to search for names can be quite exhausting, and why waste energy when you can easily search Biblical names on the web.


6 Reasons Why Names are Important in Bible:

  • Some of the Biblical names define the reaction of the parents on the birth of their child. That precious reaction is expressed beautifully by the child’s name. What else can sound so perfect!
  • Biblical names express the enslavement to God. As names have an effect on the child’s personality why not giving him one of the best names so he can become a good slave of God.
  • Names of the angels, messengers of God are mentioned in the Bible, who had a very good relationship with God. A child sharing a name with them can have a deep affiliation with God.
  • Biblical names can record and convey the characteristics of the newborn baby, as believed by some people.
  • We know that in Bible some people are given superiority and authority over others. Using such names can signify the superiority of one over others. We also know that God created all people equally, but not all are close to Him.
  • Biblical names are also used to strengthen the bond between families as well as to secure the unification of the new generations of families with the older ones.

Some Beautiful Christian Names:

Most of the well-admired Christian names are extracted from the Bible. The names are used as they are mentioned in the Bible or sometimes some variation is done in the spelling to make it unique and new. A list of Top 100 Baby Names and their beautiful meanings is given below.


Agnes is a Greek name, whose meaning is ‘holy’ and ‘pure’. The name holds much significance and popularity in the Christian community because of its relation with the St. Agnes, of Rome. Due to its origin and link to St. Agnes, it is widely popular in the catholic traditions, and every parent wants to give their daughters this pretty name. The name has many variations and has a different version in different countries. For example, in Portuguese the name is known as Ines, in Italian, it is Agnese, etc.


Jacob is a very popular Biblical name and is very much liked by parents from all around the globe. Do you know what does Jacob’s name means and what is its origin? Well, Jacob is a Hebrew name, whose meaning is ‘supplanter’. The name ‘Jacob’ appeals to the parents as it represents warmth and holds a very good religious image.

While Jacob holds little to no significance in other religions, it is utterly popular in the Christian world. Jacob is considered a good biblical name as it is even mentioned in the Old Testament of the Bible. It is believed that Jacob was the youngest twin brother of Esau and the youngest son of Rebecca and Isaac. He was quite a famous patriarch of Israel, as the 12 main tribes of Israel were formulated by his 12 sons.

‘Jacob’ is not the only spellings of this Christian name, which has both Hebrew and Latin origins. People now use this name with variations in the spellings such as ‘Jakob’. The spelling ‘Jakob’ is widely being used by the Scandinavians, Germans, and Dutch. Not only is the variation in the spelling but a little alteration in the name also becoming popular among citizens. This famous alteration is ‘Jacobi’ or ‘Jakoby’. There are other interesting variations of the name; the similarity among all the variations is, becoming popular in no time!


Alex is a Christian boy name that is absolutely famous in Christian countries, and English-speaking nations. Alex means ‘a defender and helper of mankind’. What a beautiful name with such a wonderful meaning. The name Alex has an ‘English’ origin. The name Alexis is widely used in novels, movies, and Television series.


Abigail is a Christian name for a girl, which is also a Biblical name. Abigail means ‘father’s joy’. As we mentioned above that Biblical names can express the feelings and reactions of the parents on the birth of their children, Abigail is a live example of that category and is one of the names that is listed in the Top Christian Girls Names.

Abigail was the name of the wife of King David; she was a beauty with brains. People admire and remember her for her beauty and intelligence. Giving this beautiful name to your baby girl can express your joy on her birth as well as you can expect her to have traits of the older Abigail.


Jason is one of the boy names that are mentioned in the Bible. It is written in the Bible that Jason helped one of the saints on their journey to a mission given by God. The name itself has a very beautiful meaning ‘healer’. The healing qualities of Jason are linked back to one of the traits of God, who is the healer of the entire Christian world.

Jason is a popular name for a reason as the one having the name is linked to the characteristics’ of kindness and healing.


Do you know the meaning of the name ZaklinaWell, Zaklina is a girl’s name which means, ‘one who supplants’. It is a very beautiful name, listed in the top Christian names for girls. Zaklina has Hebrew and Polish origin and is thought to be a variant of the Polish name Jacqueline. Both Zaklina and Jacqueline have the same meaning and share the same origin ‘Hebrew’.

It is believed that Jacqueline is the feminine form of the name Jacques which is a variant of the popular name Jacob. Zaklina has always been popular among all the English-speaking states.


Children are a blessing in parents life, every parent wants to choose a name that is unique, wonderful, and with a beautiful meaning. Some parents choose religion over uniqueness, while others focus on the cultural and traditional norms and values. Whatever you choose, make sure to come up with a beautiful name for your children, as names are going to stay with them forever!

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